Wednesday, September 28, 2011

ZBrush 4.0 R2 Portable || 423 MB


ZBrush 4.0 R2 Portable

Pixologic has achieved new breakthroughs with the release of ZBrush 4. Through the introduction of completely new tools and the extension or expansion of existing ZBrush utilities, ZBrush 4 sets a new standard for digital art software.
ZBrush 4 offers the freedom to explore and create; take your art from concept to final production asset without the need to leave the ZBrush environment. You can also use GoZ to seamlessly transition between ZBrush and other applications. With this new release, ZBrush continues to evolve in the directions established by the innovations of ZBrush 3.5. Building on the desire to add more intuitive modeling tools such as ZBrush 3.5's QuickSketch, ZSketch and Remesh, version 4 adds ShadowBox, Clip Brushes, and improved SubTools.

All the Major New Features

This list includes all the main additions or changes in ZBrush 4.
ZBrush Artist: Majid Ismaeily

Save all loaded tools, document size, light, material, timeline and render settings in one click.
ZBrush 4 even includes sample projects to help you discover new features.

Best Preview Render

Renders Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, Fibers, SSS and Transparency with advanced anti-aliasing.
Multi-pass rendering with Shadow, Color, Ambient Occlusion, Mask and Depth as separate maps.
Render for still images or animations.

Project presentation

Timeline for more than just simple turntables and animations.
Keyframe management: copy, move, etc.
Audio support with color beats for manual animation synchronization.
Fade in/out and cut keyframes for nice transitions.
Ease in/out keyframes.
MDD animation file format support for exporting and importing animation.
Animation-capable layers, Tools, ZSpheres, background and more.

ZBrush Artist: Jeff Feligno

Concept creation
Shadow Box for free-form creation.
Move Elastic Brush to create stretch-free extrusions.
Reproject improved for more finely tuned control of the results.
Mannequin for quick scene setup.
TransPose units to help you in proportions and sizes.

Hard Sculpting

Clip brushes for slicing your models.
By Radius and By Polygroups modes for the Clip brushes.
Shadow Box to create original sculpting bases, combined with radial symmetry.
New Strokes: Circle, Square, Curves.

Major brushes:

MatchMaker, the perfect brush to deform your mesh to conform to other 3D models.
Deco brushes, turn, spin - perfect for creative patterns!
Clay Buildup will be your new Clay brush for the rough sculpting.
Move Elastic, Move Topo, Move Parts: Stretch and deform with no constraints.


Roll mode improved with the Roll distance.
New lasso/marquee selection mode, circle by center, perfect circle, curve for masking and hiding.
Marquee, Lasso and Circle strokes working with symmetry for hiding, masking and slicing.


Decimation Master is now 64bits.
Original size is kept when exporting with 3D Print Exporter.
Unwrap all SubTools at once with UVMaster.
New Multi-map exporter for fast and easy creation of many maps at once including: normal, displacement, ambient occlusion, etc.
Various additions in SubTool Master and TransPose Master.